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Working on a Dream

How well suited am I to my dream career and what is the pathway to my dream career?


Level 1: 


Level 2: B13, C14, C17, C18, C19, D21, D22, D23, D24, F36, G49, G5, G56, H76


Level 3: A1, A2, A5, A6, E28, H67

Public Product

Students will create an infographic or handout that school counselors can use when providing career counseling.  They can also be available in school library or career center offices.

Project Summary

Students will research a career of interest using online and “live” resources (e.g. job shadow, informational interview) and reflect on it to determine if that career is a fit for them based on their interests, skills/abilities, aptitudes, and personality.  Through this project, students will complete the Holland Code Interest Inventory, Myers-Briggs, utilize online resources (e.g O-Net, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Career One Stop), and complete a job shadow and/or multiple informational interviews. Students will also explore one career cluster using the career map packets developed by JMG.

Supporting Documents

Making It Your Own

What adjustments did you make? How did you assess student learning? What worked really well?

The projects in this library were written, reviewed, and revised by Specialists across the JAG network.


Project-Based Learning is a developmental process, and as we collectively learn and perfect our practice, our quality of projects will improve.  We encourage you to make the projects your own, and as you do, in the comment section on each project page, leave notes identifying the modifications and changes you made to fit the needs of your classroom.  Feel free to email us at if you have attachments, revisions, or modifications you would like to have uploaded to the library. 

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