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Virtual Projects

Child Carrying Vegetables

A Leader in Today’s World

Tammy Jones

South Carolina

Students will explore the concept of leadership and identify the characteristics they feel are most important in being a great leader in the world we live in. They will
select any living person who they feel has the qualities needed to be a great leader in today’s society. They will then create a project that demonstrates why that
person exemplifies the kind of leader we need in the world today.
Upon completion of the project, individual students will depict their own leadership qualities by creating a photo essay with captions.


Model Application

Leadership, Community Service, Career Prep, Civic Awareness, Social Awareness



MY: E.26-30, G.26-30, 40-41, 43, 45-46, 55-56, H.61-67
MS: N121, P124, 127


Virtual, Leadership, Community Service, Career Prep, Civic Awareness, Social Awareness

Child Carrying Vegetables

First Impressions | Virtual

Tammy Jones

South Carolina

A lesson in Business etiquette with a baseball game choice menu. The PBL is to create a group project that will
demonstrate general manners, dining etiquette, introductions, and proper dress. Can also be done individually, but
having students collaborate online is preferable.
Students will select a combination of assessments using analysis, synthesis, application, knowledge, and evaluation as
they discover how to make a great impression every day.


Model Application

Leadership, Career Prep, Social Awareness



K10 MS: N118, P126 MY: C15, G 51, 53, H62-64 OOS: 7


Virtual, Workplace Skills, Character Development

Child Carrying Vegetables
See Details

Flex #1 | Virtual PBL

JAG National

JAG National

This Flex PBL is intended to be one of the first projects student engage with as they return to
school for the 2020-2021 academic year.
The scaffolding of the project will utilize a free Coursera course called “Resilience Skills in a
Time of Uncertainty”. The course is taught by Dr. Karen Reivich, Director of Resilience Training

Services at the University of Pennsylvania. Penn is an Ivy League institution and the fourth-
oldest college in the United States.


Model Application




C.15, C.17, C.19, D.21, D.22, D.24, E.29, F.32, F.33, F. 35, F.36, F.37


Virtual, Flex

Child Carrying Vegetables

Flex #2 | Virtual - Digital Dynamic Profile with Tallo

JAG National


Tallo is a free and safe online platform and app that has partnered with JAG students across the country to connect talent with opportunities.  Tallo assists students in designing a career pathway, educators in recruiting top talent for their schools, and employers in developing a stable, continuous talent pipeline.  Students (age 13+) and professionals showcase their skills and abilities in their online profile in order to be connected directly with companies and colleges looking for the next generation of talent, as well as match with over $20 billion in scholarships.


Model Application




Level 1: A.3, A.4, B.12, D.23
Level 2: A.1, A.2, A.5, C.18, D. 22, E.26 


Virtual, Flex

Child Carrying Vegetables

Flex #2 | Virtual - Digital Dynamic Profile with Tallo

JAG National

JAG National

Tallo is a free and safe online platform and app that has partnered with JAG students across the country to connect talent with opportunities.  Tallo assists students in designing a career pathway, educators in recruiting top talent for their schools, and employers in developing a stable, continuous talent pipeline.  Students (age 13+) and professionals showcase their skills and abilities in their online profile in order to be connected directly with companies and colleges looking for the next generation of talent, as well as match with over $20 billion in scholarships.


Model Application




Level 1: A.3, A.4, B.12, D.23
Level 2: A.1, A.2, A.5, C.18, D. 22, E.26 


Virtual, Flex

Child Carrying Vegetables

Flex #3 | Virtual - Skills to Succeed Academy - You and Your Career

JAG National

JAG National

Using the free, highly interactive online training program provided by Skills to Succeed Academy (S2SA), this project focuses on one module per week with the final week working on this project’s Public Product. Each module helps learners build the skills and confidence they need to make smart career choices and find and succeed in employment.


Model Application

Employability Skills



Level 1:, A.4, B.7, C.14, D.21, D.24, F.33 Level 2: A.1, A.2, A.3, A.5, C.18, D. 22


Virtual, Flex

Child Carrying Vegetables

Flex #4 | Virtual - Career Association

JAG National

JAG National

The topic of this project directly aligns with one component of the JAG Model – The Career/Professional Association (CA/PA). The CA is a student-led organization that operates within your program and promotes Leadership Development.


Model Application

Career Association



Level 3: E.26, E.27


Virtual, Flex

Child Carrying Vegetables

Flex #5 | Virtual - The L.O.V.E. Project – Lifting Our Voices for Equity

JAG National

JAG National

JAG has always believed in the power of youth voice. This project was developed in response
to the social unrest across the nation that sparked a request by Specialists and students to “do
something” to create a collective impact across the JAG National Network.
This FLEX PBL is designed as more of an outline of options for you to implement, rather than a
specific scope and sequence. Several resources will be shared for to you implement based on
student interest. Follow the activities as you have time and as they are relevant to the project
you are implementing.


Model Application



JAG Competencies should be set based on the Specialists discretion.


Virtual, Flex

Child Carrying Vegetables

Flex #6 | Professional Communication By: LinkedIn Learning and Microsoft Learn

JAG National

JAG National

This Flex PBL is intended to be implemented during the month of November for the 2020-2021
academic year. The content within this project aligns with various simultaneous projects and
events taking place throughout the JAG National Network; for example, the L.O.V.E. Project,
early stages in the Career Association, and prep for the Virtual National Student Leadership
Utilizing another incredible, virtual, and FREE* resource—this project captures the materials
made available through LinkedIn Learning. LinkedIn Learning provides relevant skill training
paths in connection with Microsoft Learn that prepares individuals for in-demand jobs. Here is
the link to the materials:
*This FREE offer is available until March 31, 2021.


Model Application

Career Association, Communication



D.23, D.24, G.46, H.64, H.65


Virtual, Flex

Child Carrying Vegetables

Flex #7 | Skills to Succeed Academy: Getting a Job

JAG National

JAG National

This Flex PBL is intended to be in the third wave of projects student engage with as they return to school for the 2020-2021 academic year.
Using the free, highly interactive online training program provided by Skills to Succeed Academy (S2SA), this project focuses on one module per week with time allowed each week for working on this project’s Public Product. Each module helps learners build the skills and confidence needed to make smart career choices and find and succeed in employment. The four S2SA modules being used from the Getting a Job section are:
1) Who Can Help You?
2) Create Your Resumé
3) The Application Form
4) A Better Cover Letter
Skills to Succeed Academy is a proud sponsor of the JAG organization and strives to support JAG students in completing modules as a way to boost their employability skills. Each year S2SA seeks to connect youth with their valuable courses; however, this year their resources are needed more than ever. S2SA modules can be administered in variety of ways:
Assigned for students to complete outside of school in an asynchronous manner
Streamed to groups or classrooms of students via a video conferencing service
Facilitated in-person through a classroom overhead projector


Model Application

Career Association



Level 3: B.7, B.9, B.11, D.23


Virtual, Flex

Child Carrying Vegetables

Flex #8 | Maximizing My Potential

JAG National

JAG National

This Flex PBL is intended to be used in preparation for the 2020 Virtual National Student Leadership Academy (NSLA), but could be implemented as a prep tool for other professional conferences.

The Maximizing My Potential Flex PBL will focus on the 6 following topics:

Professionalism Growth Mindset
Setting individual and team goals Conference Etiquette
Virtual Interactions Positive Competition


Model Application

Professional Conference Prep



Level 1: C.17, C.18, D.21, D.24, F.33, G.49, G.55, H.62, H.78, H.79,
H.63, H.64

Level 2: C.16, D.22, F.31, G.39, G.48, G.53, G.58, H.76

Level 3: C.14, C.15, C.19, E.28, F.35, F.36, G.46, G.51, G.52, G.53, G.54


Flex PBL

Child Carrying Vegetables

Going for the GOAL

Tammy Jones

South Carolina

Students will explore potential career paths and select one based on their interests and abilities. They will then create
a project that demonstrates both the steps they must take to achieve that career and also a day in the life of their
future career. This will include the creation of a resumé, cover letter, and thank-you letter.


Model Application

Leadership, Community Service, Career Prep, Civic Awareness, Social Awareness



MY: A1-6, B7, 9-11, 13



The projects in this library were written, reviewed, and revised by Specialists across the JAG network.


Project-Based Learning is a developmental process, and as we collectively learn and perfect our practice, our quality of projects will improve.  We encourage you to make the projects your own, and as you do, in the comment section on each project page, leave notes identifying the modifications and changes you made to fit the needs of your classroom.  Feel free to email us at if you have attachments, revisions, or modifications you would like to have uploaded to the library. 

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