Personalized Licence Plate
A1-4, C17-19, D21-24, E30, F33-37, G47 G48 G49 G51 G53 G54 G56 G58, H60, H61 H65, H70-75, J103, P123, P126
Public Product
Project Overview
Personalized Plate
How can I show others how awesome I am?

Project Summary
The purpose of this PBL is to get to know our students and understand what they are dealing with and have dealt with in life before iJAG. This will be a great way for everyone to learn about student’s successes and their barriers. Students will be able to share things that are positive about themselves in a creative way. They will design a personalized license plate made from poster board cut out to the actually size of a real license plate. Students will only get one plate, which will require them to take ownership of their plate and not lose it. The requirements for the plate are as follows: the plate state will be the state the students were born in, positive quote that represents the students family; one goal that the student has; two personal strengths; one dream career/ or dream; 2 hobbies or interests and one barrier they have overcome or currently working on. This is all about how great these students are. The students will present these to plates to our community members and get feedback.