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Project Overview

Personal Projects

 What are Career are you interested in exploring and why?


Level 1:  J101, J102, J103, J106

Level 2:  K107, K108, L111, L112, L113, Q128, Q129, R131, T139, T140

Level 3: J101, J102, J103, J106, K107, K108, L111, L112, L113, Q128, Q129, R131, T139, T140

Project Summary

JAG  students will be working on a project about a career field that interests them. Students will complete papers, websites, iMovies, posters, or infographics on topics of their choice. However, it must have something to do with a career. You will conduct research (including an interview with a professional in that field), craft a project based on evidence, and share it through your final project.

Public Product

Students who work as a team will present together but every public product will look different based on the projects chosen. So for example: if they do an instructional video uploading it to youtube would be their public product.

Supporting Documents

Making It Your Own

What adjustments did you make? How did you assess student learning? What worked really well?

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