Search PBL Middle School Projects

Attitude of Gratitude
Tatum Gilman
Students will identify the importance of expressing gratitude. Through class discussion, activities, and projects, they will discover the positive impact gratitude can have on their physical and mental health. The purpose of this project is to have students create habits of expressing gratitude in their daily lives.
Self Development, Self Understanding
Model Application
C. 18, D. 22, D. 23, F. 36, J104 J105, P125, P126
Career Association PBL
Tatum Gilium
Students will identify the qualities of a good leader and which of those qualities they already possess. Through class discussion, activities, and projects, they will decide what kind of leader they want to drive the Career/Professional Association. The purpose of this project is to elect officers and select what committees students will be a part of.
Career Association
Model Application
C. 17, C. 18, D. 23, D. 24, E. 26, E. 27, E. 28, E. 29, E. 30, K108, P123, P124, P127

College Bound!
Tammy Jones
Students will research colleges, select a target school, then create a project that demonstrates the steps they will take to gain admission into that particular college or university. This project will include a college admissions essay, sample college application, and 1 minute elevator speech.
College Prep
Model Application
J102: J103: K110: L11: L112: N121: P126: Q128: Q129: R132:

Connect with Netiquette
Tammy Jones
Student groups develop a project that will teach the school about
Netiquette, Email rules, Cyberbullying, Online safety, and Managing your digital footprint. They will analyize and teach others how multiple intelligences impact how to interact safely in a digital world.
Character Devt., Communications
Model Application
K10 : J101 : K108
K110 : M115 : N118
N121 : P123 : P126

Diversity Awareness
R. Leinaar
Students learn about diversity and the importance of accepting others differences in school, workplace, and the community. For two weeks they will record in their journals different things they hear or see throughout their day that may be categorized as discrimination, harassment, or judgmental. They will design a product to share with an audience about embracing diversity.
Diversity Character Development
Model Application
F32, F33, F34, F35, F36, G46, G50, G53, G55, J103, J104, P123, Q130

Dream Job Story Book
Julie Walters
After students research and explore career paths they are interested in, they will then choose a top career choice to do their final project on. For this, students will create a children�s book based off of a day in the life of their career choice. Students will use the information they gained about basic skills and job requirements to write, draw or create a children's book to be shared with younger children.
Employability Skills, Dreamwork
Model Application
J102, J103, J106, K108, P127, Q128, Q129, Q131, T138, T139, T140

Entrepreneur Challenge
Steph Perkins
Students will complete a community assessment and using the problem solution lens develop an entrepreneurial idea that will change their community.
Model Application
D21, D22, D23, D24, D25, E28, E29, C18, H61, H62, H66, H67, H70, G54, G55, G56, G59, G49, J101, J102, K108, K110, L111, L113, P127, R132, Q128-131, R133

Figure it Out Friday
Tatum Gilman
Students will engage with community employers through a segment called �Figure It Out Friday�, where employers will be invited in every other Friday to teach a valuable life skill related to their profession.
Career Exploration
Model Application
C.19, D.21, D.24, E.28, J103, J106, L111, Q129, R132, T140, Q128, 129, T138-140

Food Glorious Food
Tyler King
Students will be exposed to the importance of making healthy eating choices and habits in their lives and the role that it plays in their overall personal health.
There are many obstacles and challenges that can be encountered when incorporating healthy eating habits into one�s daily life and routine. These obstacles include such things as budgetary challenges, availability of healthy choices, education and comfort with incorporating them into one�s own life, and peer pressures to name a few.
The purpose of this project is to raise awareness and comfort levels for students with healthy eating and how it can make an impact in their own life and those around them.
Healthy Lifestyles
Model Application
G.48, J105, R133, R134

Free to Be Me (with Skills to Succeed Academy and Tallo)
Niki Childers
Did you know you can turn your personal traits into a resume? Imagine if what makes you unique are exactly the skills that can land you your next job? Using the Skills to Succeed Academy platform, students will learn about themselves when making a career choice. They will learn about different motivations for working and recognize skills, interests, and translate them into a career.
Career Exploration
Model Application
A.1-A.6, B.10-11, C.17-18, D21.-24, E29.-30, F.31-37, J102, J106, K109
O.1, O.2, O.3, O.6, O.7, O.18, O.19

JAG is My Business
Melissa Lanham
Students will be introduced to the JAG goals and standards and encouraged to treat their education like their job. They will learn about classroom and employer expectations, filling out applications, requesting letters of reference, and taking part in a 30-day review. It is encouraged for specialists to use this project at the beginning of the school year.
Career Association, Goal Setting, Character Development
Model Application
C14, C15, C17, C19, D21, D24, F27, T138, T139, T141, T138-141

Make Code
SIerra Smith
Students will design, develop, code, and market a new product that will help their community using the Microsoft MakeCode platform. They will learn about the process of developing a new product from start to finish by working with industry professionals that will help facilitate group reflection and provide feedback throughout the project. Students will work together in project teams to complete the above task. Each project team will be composed of different roles; project manager, project coder, and marketing representative.
21st Century Skills
Model Application
D24, E26, G43, L111, L113, T139

Mapping out My Future
Tammy Jones
Students will map out their future lifestyle based on career and lifestyle goals. They will have to include a budget to ensure their selected career matches their desired lifestyle.
Career Readiness
Model Application
K109 : K110 : L11: L112: Q128 : Q129 : Q131: R132 : R133 : R134

Mental Health Wellness
Tammy Jones
In small groups, students will construct a project that will promote mental health wellness in their school and community. This project must promote awareness, prevent stigmas, and provide strategies for mental health wellness. Additionally, individual students will develop a plan to support personal mental health wellness.
Character Devt., Self Development, Decision Making
Model Application
K10: J104: J105
K107: K110: N121 Q131: R132

News in Your School
Ashley Shavers
This project will allow students to experience how a business works within while working as a team. Students will work as a team
to create a newspaper that they can share with their fellow peers and school community. A lead editor will be chosen and the
rest of the class we serve as journalist. Which will require the journalist to meet deadlines and report to the lead editor to ensure
the completion of the newspaper by the date set?
Entrepreneurial, 21st Century Skills
Model Application
E26,E27,E30, H62, H71, M114, M115, M116, N117,

Personal Projects
Ali Fisher
JAG students will be working on a project about a career field that interests them. Students will complete papers, websites, iMovies, posters, or infographics on topics of their choice. However, it must have something to do with a career. You will conduct research (including an interview with a professional in that field), craft a project based on evidence, and share it through your final project.
Dreamwork, Career Based Learning
Model Application
J101, J102, J103, J106, K107, K108, L111, L112, L113, Q128, Q129, R131, T139, T140

Right in Your Backyard
Jess Porter
Students will learn about civic leadership and the careers in their communities. Students will highlight a local position/ career by interviewing and taking video of a local leader. Video will be highlighting the leader�s first job, favorite aspects about their career, what hard and soft skills they use daily, and how they feel their job makes an impact within their community.
What challenges will they face?
Transportation/ time management to take the video in the space of the professional if plausible.
What is the purpose? To connect students with local leadership and various positions that make a positive impact on their communities. To be aware of the local job opportunities within their communities.
Service Learning, 21st Century Skills, Civic Awareness
Model Application
G46, G49, G53, K110, R132

Show Me the Money
Tammy Jones
In small groups, students will construct a project that demonstrates their ability to create a financial plan that will set them up for future success, examining the various components of financial literacy along the way.
Financial Literacy
Model Application
K107: K109: K110: L111: L112: Q131: R132: R133: R134

Skills to Pay the Bills
Alex Ricker
Students will learn firsthand how to make and balance a monthly budget from income to expenses including taxes, student loans, housing, food, transportation and discretionary expenses.
This activity will force students to face the real-life challenge of balancing needs vs. wants.
This activity will give students a realistic idea of the current costs of common goods and services including rent, utilities, transportation costs, and food.
This activity will give students a sense of if their planned job/career earns enough money right out of school to support the lifestyle they hope to have - some students will realize that they might need a second job or roommates just to make their budgets balance!
Money Management, 21st Century Skills
Model Application
J.105, J.106, K.109, L.113, N.117, N.118, Q.129, Q.130, R.131, R.132, R.133, R.134

The Ideal JAG Student
Ali Fischer and Rachel Hand
Returning JAG students will be working to create a lesson on what it means to be �An Ideal JAG student.� They will then teach the new incoming class of JAG students what it means to be a part of the JAG Advantage and part of the JAG class.
Career Association, Goal Setting, Character Development
Model Application
J101, J102, J104, J105, N117, K108, K110, L111, L112, L113, T139, T140, N118, N122, P123, P124, P125, P126, P127, E26, 27, 28, 30

The News in Your School
Ashley Shavers
This project will allow students to experience how a business works within while working as a team. Students will work as a team to create a newspaper that they can share with their fellow peers and school community. A lead editor will be chosen and the rest of the class we serve as journalist. Which will require the journalist to meet deadlines and report to the lead editor to ensure the completion of the newspaper by the date set?
21st Centruy Skills
Model Application
E26, E27, E30, H62, H71, M114, M115, M116, N117

This is the Real Me
Evan Casey
Adult students rarely have the opportunity to tell their own stories. Many of them simply intend to go to school, achieve their High School Equivalency Diploma and simply move on. This activity gives them the opportunity to overcome their greatest obstacle: themselves. Through the lost art of introspection, the specialist allows students to go on a self-guided tour of discovery and rediscovery of themselves by showing where they have been as a catalyst to where they are going.
Character Development
Model Application
C17, C18, C19, D21, D22, D23, D24, E28, F35, F36, F37, J103, J104, K108, K110, N119, N120, P123, P124, P126

Veterans Day Breakfast
Jason Little
The students will be planning and implementing a Veterans Day Breakfast & Ceremony to be held on a school day prior to the Veterans Day Observance. Students will work in classes and on committees to create a menu, develop the budget, develop a program for the ceremony, invite guest speakers, and begin advertising & seeking donations from local businesses.
Purpose-The purpose of this event is to provide free breakfast and student-led ceremony to show our local veterans and their family members the utmost respect they deserve for their sacrifice and service.
Service Learning
Model Application
A.2, A.3, G.49, G.51, G.52, G.53, G.54, P127, R132, P125

What is a PBL?
Have you never done a PBL before and are shaky about how to �teach� it? Need a way for students to generate NEW ideas for service projects that actually engage your students in a unique way to the community? This PBL is for you! Students identify what a PBL is and how it works within the JAG Curriculum. The purpose is to set a goal for service projects at the beginning of the year AND to teach expectations of JAG Career Association membership. This is a great way to create some measurable ACTION items after students identify needs of their community. Here is how we know this works: See the projects at the end of this Project Overview, all done by a JAG class in Indiana, as a result of this PBL �lead in.� Note that this is not a �standalone� PBL. It is successful because it sets the stage to allow YOUR students to drive THEIR future service projects.
Career Association, Service Learning
Model Application
E.28, Varies, L111, L112, L113, P125, P127

Who am I?
Tammy Jones
Students will use strategies in self-discovery to explore their identity, examine their personal values and goals, then describe how their life events have shaped them into the person they are today. They will create an autobiographical project that reflects their inner self as they want the world to see them. A personalized learning menu will guide the scaffolding process and assist students on their path to self-discovery.
Self Understanding
Model Application
J10: J101: J10: J102
J10: J103: J10: J104
J10: J105: J10: J106
K10: K108: K10: K109
K11: K110: L11: L111
L11: L112: L113

Work in Progress - Exploring Manufacturing
Christine Shaffer
Students will be researching what manufacturing is and examine different types of jobs in the manufacturing field. Students will also learn about the assembly line and quality control while completing a service project.
Manufacturing, 21st Century Skills, Career Exploration
Model Application
Q129, R132

You Have the Right to Remain Silent
Annie Cobberly
The law is involved in our daily lives from when we wake up in the morning to when we go to sleep. This PBL will teach students how the law is involved in their everyday lives and how they can/can better navigate situations that they may encounter involving the law.
21st Century Skills, Diversity Awareness, Character Development
Model Application
K.108, K110, N118, N119

Your Government, Your Choice
Ryan Lootens
The students will learn the importance of the decision making process by holding a mock national election. The students will pick
a candidate completely at random. Students will then research the candidate�s platform. The students must then modify the
candidate�s platform to be appealing to the students of their school. The students will then come up with a campaign plan and
begin the campaign process of getting their candidate elected by using what they know of the decision making process.
Career Association, Goal Setting
Model Application
J105, K108, K110, L111, L112, L113, N117, N120