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Image by Chang Duong

HealthCare Careers

How do I determine if the Health
Care Career Field is right for me?


Level 1: C15, C17, F33, C18      

Level 2: A3, A4, A5      

Level 3: A1, A2, A6, H60, OOS

Project Overview

Public Product

Individual: Students will make flyers, brochures, phone calls to health care facilities about setting up a booth in the career fair, organizing date/time/location, social media advertising, media involvement, etc. All of these are tasks that can be performed on an individual basis with sign up sheets on who will do what.    

Public Product

Team: Health Care Career Fair within the classroom Students will put on a Career Fair designated specifically to Health Care Careers.    


Project Summary

Students will do the following:

  • Identify several professions in the healthcare field .

  • Identify characteristics of effective healthcare providers.

  • Consider if any of the occupations covered in class are appropriate paths for them

Making It Your Own

What adjustments did you make? How did you assess student learning? What worked really well?

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