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Goal Setting

own your shit .jpeg

Owning Your $#!+

Students will work to become self-aware about the barriers that they face. They will learn about local resources available to help overcome said barriers. *This project is not exclusively for students with learning disabilities. It can be applied to all students and any barriers they may have to include, but not limited to, mental health issues and other family related traumas.

Image by Lenny Kuhne

Designing your future

Advanced Manufacturing

The projects in this library were written, reviewed, and revised by Specialists across the JAG network.


Project-Based Learning is a developmental process, and as we collectively learn and perfect our practice, our quality of projects will improve.  We encourage you to make the projects your own, and as you do, in the comment section on each project page, leave notes identifying the modifications and changes you made to fit the needs of your classroom.  Feel free to email us at if you have attachments, revisions, or modifications you would like to have uploaded to the library. 

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