Life Survival

Designing Your Future: Advanced Manufacturing
Rebecca Leinaar
Students will learn about advanced manufacturing careers through playing a game, a personality test, and investigative research. After their research they will create a job posting for that particular job. Based on their personality test results they will be put into groups to create an innovative design concept to improve a product or process.
Model Application
21st Century Skills, employability skills,
A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4, A.6, G.38, G.40, G41, G43, G45, G46, G49, G53
Industrial and Engineering Technology

Dish it Up
Gutierrez and White
The purpose of this PBL is for students to work together as a class to plan, budget, shop, prepare, and deliver a dinner for a family of four that is in need. The dinner must include an entr�e, a side, and a dessert for under $30. Each class had to select a Project Manager who will oversee their team by keeping everyone on task and focused so they are able to meet the deadline. The Project Manager also help in the evaluation of their team. Each class will be responsible for contacting the chosen family, finding out what their needs, wants and if there, are any food allergies as well as setting up a time to deliver. Six different families will receive six different meals. It is important for students to feel as though they are making a difference and it was interesting to see the students who were passionate about this project and stepped up for a leadership position. Each class period developed their community as well.
Model Application
Healthy Lifestyles, Money Management, community service
TBD- based on when the project is implemented
Community Service, financial literacy

Food Glorious Food
Tyler King
Students will be exposed to the importance of making healthy eating choices and habits in their lives and the role that it plays in their overall personal health.
There are many obstacles and challenges that can be encountered when incorporating healthy eating habits into one�s daily life and routine. These obstacles include such things as budgetary challenges, availability of healthy choices, education and comfort with incorporating them into one�s own life, and peer pressures to name a few.
The purpose of this project is to raise awareness and comfort levels for students with healthy eating and how it can make an impact in their own life and those around them.
Model Application
Healthy Lifestyles
G.48, J105, R133, R134
Middle school, health services, life survival, decision making

Know Your Rights- Plead the 5th
Monica Hamilton
Students will learn what their rights are as a citizen, mostly focusing on what their rights are when interacting with the
police. Students might find certain viewpoints/guest speakers as triggers. The purpose of this project is to inform
students of how to safely and lawfully interact with the police
Model Application
Law & Public Safety
C19, G46, E28, G51, I85, OOS 15, 16
Life survival, OOS, Human Services

Making Taxes Easy
R. Leinaar
Students will learn how to fill out a W4 form and how to read their W2 and file their own taxes. They will also learn about different areas in the community that will file their taxes for them. Once the students become an expert, they will create an informational quick reference guide to share with all the students. This will include what they need to complete their taxes and a list of places in the community where they can get there taxes done.
Model Application
Money Management
D23,D24,E26, H74, OOS 20
Financial literacy, OOS

Operation Military
Missy Boutwell
Students will be able to understand the general entrance requirements, expectations, & career opportunities for each branch ofthe military (Army, National Guard, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard). Through the ASVAB & Future Ready Iowa career assessment they will able to align their top 3 career interests to career opportunities with each branch of the military.
Model Application
Career Exploration
A: 1,2,4 C:17,18,19 D:21,22,23,24 E:26,27,28,29,30 F:33,35,36,37, G:38, OOS 1,5
Career Development, Job Attainment, OOS

Owning Your $#!+
Tatum Gilman
Students will work to become self-aware about the barriers that they face. They will learn about local resources available to help overcome said barriers. *This project is not exclusively for students with learning disabilities. It can be applied to all students and any barriers they may have to include, but not limited to, mental health issues and other family related traumas.
Model Application
Goal Setting, Add self-awareness, mental health wellness
C.14, C.15, C.17, C. 18, C.19, D. 23, D. 24, E. 28, E. 20, F. 37, OOS- 14
MS- N122, P123, 126
MS, OOS, health and human services

Right in Your Backyard
Jess Porter
Students will learn about civic leadership and the careers in their communities. Students will highlight a local position/ career by interviewing and taking video of a local leader. Video will be highlighting the leader�s first job, favorite aspects about their career, what hard and soft skills they use daily, and how they feel their job makes an impact within their community.
What challenges will they face?
Transportation/ time management to take the video in the space of the professional if plausible.
What is the purpose? To connect students with local leadership and various positions that make a positive impact on their communities. To be aware of the local job opportunities within their communities.
Model Application
Service Learning, 21st Century Skills, Civic
G46, G49, G53, MS: T138, T139, T140, T141, T142
MS, Career
Based Learning,

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
Dallas VanderPol
Students will become more self-aware and understand how their strengths and weaknesses are used in their daily lives, in relationship with others, and how their skills and attributes could benefit them in the military. Students will be exposed to how those strengths and weakness could make them successful in different career paths in the military.
Model Application
Career Exploration, 21st Century Skills, Diversity Awareness
A, C, H
Career development,
human resources,
natural resources

Things You Ain't Learned In School
Gutierrez and White
The purpose of this project is to expose students to important life skills that are typically not taught in school. Most of these lessons are ones that we as Specialists have had to learn the hard way and all are valuable lessons for everyone to hear and learn. We have invited many celebrity guests to help us teach �Things You Ain�t Learned In School.� This project has helped open the door for our guests to see the amazing students we have in JAG. Things You Ain�t Learned In School also came at the end of the school year, which helped keep students engaged in May. The students also had to make a contribution by teaching their classmates a lesson that they learned through experience outside of school. Finally students kept a journal recording the important lessons learned from their classmates and our guests and how it applies to their life.
Model Application
Employability Skills
A1, A2, A3, C14, C17, C18, C19, D21, D24, D25, E26, E30, F33, F34, F35, F36, F37
development, job

Veterans Day Breakfast
Jason Little
The students will be planning and implementing a Veterans Day Breakfast & Ceremony to be held on a school day prior to the Veterans Day Observance. Students will work in classes and on committees to create a menu, develop the budget, develop a program for the ceremony, invite guest speakers, and begin advertising & seeking donations from local businesses.
Purpose-The purpose of this event is to provide free breakfast and student-led ceremony to show our local veterans and their family members the utmost respect they deserve for their sacrifice and service.
Model Application
Service Learning, Civic Awareness
A.2, A.3, G.49, G.51, G.52, G.53, G.54, P127, R132, P125
service, career
development, job
survival, human

Working on a Dream
Maria Morris
Students will research a career of interest using online and �live� resources (e.g. job shadow, informational interview) and reflect on it to determine if that career is a fit for them based on their interests, skills/abilities, aptitudes, and personality. Through this project, students will complete the Holland Code Interest Inventory, Myers-Briggs, utilize online resources (e.g O-Net, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Career One Stop), and complete a job shadow and/or multiple informational interviews.Students will also explore one career cluster using the career map packets developed by JMG.
Model Application
Career Exploration
A1, A2, A5, A6, E28, H67