Level 1: F37, G54, H67
Level 2: J105, D25, F34, G59
Level 3: G48
Food Glorious Food
What is the role that healthy eating plays in our lives and how can it be done in my own life? What is healthy eating? Why does eating healthy matter for me? Why should I care about it? How will healthy eating make an impact on my life right now and for the rest of my life?
Public Product
Team: Students will create a cookbook to be shared with peers, school community, and local community Individual: Students will be sharing a recipe page to be added to our overall group cookbook. Students will utilize the knowledge and skills that they gain throughout their experience with the unit to incorporate into their individual recipe page to be shared with others.
Project Overview
Project Summary
Students will be exposed to the importance of making healthy eating choices and habits in their lives and the role that it plays in their overall personal health. There are many obstacles and challenges that can be encountered when incorporating healthy eating habits into one’s daily life and routine. These obstacles include such things as budgetary challenges, availability of healthy choices, education and comfort with incorporating them into one’s own life, and peer pressures to name a few. The purpose of this project is to raise awareness and comfort levels for students with healthy eating and how it can make an impact in their own life and those around them.