Leadership & Self-Development

A Leader in Today’s World
Tammy Jones
Students will explore the concept of leadership and identify the characteristics they feel are most important in being a great leader in the world we live in. They will select any living person who they feel has the qualities needed to be a great leader in today’s society. They will then create a project that demonstrates why that
person exemplifies the kind of leader we need in the world today. Upon completion of the project, individual students will depict their own leadership qualities by creating a photo essay with captions.
Model Application
Leadership, Community Service, Career Prep, Civic Awareness, Social Awareness
MY: E.26-30, G.26-30, 40-41, 43, 45-46, 55-56, H.61-67
MS: N121, P124, 127
Leadership, Community Service, Career Prep, Civic Awareness, Social Awareness

Creating My Career
Dani Palmer
Students will research and learn about famous entrepreneurs. They will focus on the characteristics of entrepreneurs and reflect on characteristics within themselves. Students will create a business plan for their own business. They will present it to Entrepreneurs in the community.
Model Application
Entrepreneurial, Career Development
A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4, A.5, A.6, C.17, C.18, D.21, D.22, D.23, D.24, D.25, E.28, E.29, E.30, F.33, F.34
Career Development,

Dish it Up
Gutierrez and White
The purpose of this PBL is for students to work together as a class to plan, budget, shop, prepare, and deliver a dinner for a family of four that is in need. The dinner must include an entr�e, a side, and a dessert for under $30. Each class had to select a Project Manager who will oversee their team by keeping everyone on task and focused so they are able to meet the deadline. The Project Manager also help in the evaluation of their team. Each class will be responsible for contacting the chosen family, finding out what their needs, wants and if there, are any food allergies as well as setting up a time to deliver. Six different families will receive six different meals. It is important for students to feel as though they are making a difference and it was interesting to see the students who were passionate about this project and stepped up for a leadership position. Each class period developed their community as well.
Model Application
Healthy Lifestyles, Money Management, community service
TBD- based on when the project is implemented
Community Service, financial literacy

Elementary Play
Melissa Lanham
Students will identify Title 1 Schools in their areas, potentially the elementary school the majority of the students attended. They
will then identify an after school program they would have enjoyed participating in with high schoolers, (i.e. basketball, coding,
art, Minecraft, animation). Students would need to group together common ideas and then propose the various ideas to the rest
of the class to then vote on. The
purpose of this project would be to collectively create an idea that would in turn give back to their communities, give them a
chance to own their roles in their communities, be a mentor to a group of students that are much younger than they are, and learn the basic idea for proposing a business plan for a new idea/venture.
Model Application
Service Learning, Healthy Lifestyles, community service, Entrepreneurship
A.5, B9, C14, C15, C16, C18, C19, D21, D24, E26, D27
Job Survival, community service, Career Based Learning, entrepreneurship, and Human Services

Food Systems Investigation
Lauren Darby
Students will learn about food systems and how they operate globally and locally. They will become familiar with the complexity
of systems and players that bring raw materials to our plates and the inequalities that these systems create or expose. They will
choose an issue and investigate it, becoming experts and developing a local service project that will seek to ameliorate a food-
related challenge in the community, while also learning about different careers in agriculture, food services, and food policy.
Model Application
Healthy Lifestyles, community service, natural resources
Community service, natural resources agriculture, health services

JAG Talks
Phil Butler
The purpose of this project is to expose students to the need for public speaking skills as well as to enable them to be more comfortable in front of an audience. Glossophobia is the fear of public speaking, and it is detrimental to a person�s ability to do anything from school projects, to job interviews, to being an actual professional presenter. When we focus on preparing students for the �real world�, we need to be sure they are comfortable in their endeavors. This project will help students to present themselves as their best.
Model Application
Public Speaking
C.14, E.28, F.36, G.49, K108, OOS 13
Middle school, OOS, communication, leadership, arts and communication

Know Your Rights- Plead the 5th
Monica Hamilton
Students will learn what their rights are as a citizen, mostly focusing on what their rights are when interacting with the
police. Students might find certain viewpoints/guest speakers as triggers. The purpose of this project is to inform
students of how to safely and lawfully interact with the police
Model Application
Law & Public Safety
C19, G46, E28, G51, I85, OOS 15, 16
Life survival, OOS, Human Services

Making Taxes Easy
R. Leinaar
Students will learn how to fill out a W4 form and how to read their W2 and file their own taxes. They will also learn about different areas in the community that will file their taxes for them. Once the students become an expert, they will create an informational quick reference guide to share with all the students. This will include what they need to complete their taxes and a list of places in the community where they can get there taxes done.
Model Application
Money Management
D23,D24,E26, H74, OOS 20
Financial literacy, OOS

Operation Military
Missy Boutwell
Students will be able to understand the general entrance requirements, expectations, & career opportunities for each branch ofthe military (Army, National Guard, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard). Through the ASVAB & Future Ready Iowa career assessment they will able to align their top 3 career interests to career opportunities with each branch of the military.
Model Application
Career Exploration
A: 1,2,4 C:17,18,19 D:21,22,23,24 E:26,27,28,29,30 F:33,35,36,37, G:38, OOS 1,5
Career Development, Job Attainment, OOS

Soft Skills Boot Camp
R. Leinaar
Students will go through a series of activities to prove they have the soft skills necessary to be successful at their job. Each activity will focus on different soft skills students are lacking in the workplace. The challenges will encourage creativity, communication, critical thinking, listening skills, respect, flexibility, problem solving, teamwork, patience, negotiation, time management, and interpersonal skills. Students will then create a game/activity that incorporates soft skills, to present to the Pep Assembly Committee for use at future assemblies.
Model Application
21st Century Skills
D21,D22,D23,D24,D25,E26,E27,E28,E29, E30, F33, F34, F36, G39, G41, G43, G45, G46, G49, G53, H62, H66,K108, L113, N118,121
Career Development, job
attainment, MS,

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
Dallas VanderPol
Students will become more self-aware and understand how their strengths and weaknesses are used in their daily lives, in relationship with others, and how their skills and attributes could benefit them in the military. Students will be exposed to how those strengths and weakness could make them successful in different career paths in the military.
Model Application
Career Exploration, 21st Century Skills, Diversity Awareness
A, C, H
Career development,
human resources,
natural resources

The Dream Team
Melissa Lanham
Students will complete the Dream Team process to plan for their own transitions out of high school. They will create goals and plans, and share those goals/plans in their own Dream Team meetings outside of class. The individuals chosen for each student’s Dream Team will be chosen by each individual student! The students may choose as many people for their team as they feel would be helpful. Participants in the Dream Team will then be invited to take part and hold the student accountable/support the student as they graduate and transition out of High School.
Model Application
Character Devt.
MY: A4, A5, A6, C14, C18, D21, D22, D23, D24, E26, F33, F34, F36, F37
MS: R132
OOS: 18
Leadership, Career Prep, Social Awareness

The News in Your School
Ashley Shavers
This project will allow students to experience how a business works within while working as a team. Students will work as a team to create a newspaper that they can share with their fellow peers and school community. A lead editor will be chosen and the rest of the class we serve as journalist. Which will require the journalist to meet deadlines and report to the lead editor to ensure the completion of the newspaper by the date set?
Model Application
21st Centruy Skills, Employability, Communication
E26, E27, E30, H62, H71, M114, M115, M116, N117
Arts and
Workplace Skills,

This is the Real Me
Evan Casey
Adult students rarely have the opportunity to tell their own stories. Many of them simply intend to go to school, achieve their High School Equivalency Diploma and simply move on. This activity gives them the opportunity to overcome their greatest obstacle: themselves. Through the lost art of introspection, the specialist allows students to go on a self-guided tour of discovery and rediscovery of themselves by showing where they have been as a catalyst to where they are going.
Model Application
Character Development
C17, C18, C19, D21, D22, D23, D24, E28, F35, F36, F37, J103, J104, K108, K110, N119, N120, P123, P124, P126
skills, self-