Reverse Career Fair
What is your dream career? What steps do you need to take in order to achieve it? How can your interests and passions lead to success in college and career?
Level 1: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, D21, D22, D23, D24
Level 2: C14, C15, C18, C19
Level 3: E28, E30, F34, F35, F36, G38, G39, G46, G53, G54, H60, H62, H65, H66
Public Product
Collaboration between Carrabec High School and Madison High School to attend job shadows and set up/present at the Reverse Career Fair.
Project Overview
Project Summary
Over 50 students from two local high schools took part in a weeks-long career exploration project that included researching and discovering career pathways that best suit the student's’ desired occupational interests. After completing career surveys and determining a path, students researched their job (salaries, job requirements, education requirements, etc.) and lined up a professional job shadow. While on their job shadow, students conducted interviews with a professional in their field of interest to further gather an understanding of what it takes to start and excel in that career. The project concluded with a twist on the traditional “career fair,” where instead of colleges and businesses presenting, the students created tri-fold posters based on their research and experience, dressed professionally, and presented to the businesses they shadowed, other school and community members, and family and friends. By the end of the project, students had done an incredible amount of research on the career of their choice, had first-hand experience in the workplace, and polished their presentation skills as they spoke with many local business and educational leaders.