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Job Attainment

Child Carrying Vegetables

Dream Job Story Book

Julie Walters


After students research and explore career paths they are interested in, they will then choose a top career choice to do their final project on. For this, students will create a children�s book based off of a day in the life of their career choice. Students will use the information they gained about basic skills and job requirements to write, draw or create a children's book to be shared with younger children.


Employability Skills

Model Application



J102, J103, J106, K108, P127, Q128, Q129, Q131, T138, T139, T140

Child Carrying Vegetables

Elementary Play

Melissa Lanham


Students will identify Title 1 Schools in their areas, potentially the elementary school the majority of the students attended. They
will then identify an after school program they would have enjoyed participating in with high schoolers, (i.e. basketball, coding,
art, Minecraft, animation). Students would need to group together common ideas and then propose the various ideas to the rest
of the class to then vote on. The
purpose of this project would be to collectively create an idea that would in turn give back to their communities, give them a
chance to own their roles in their communities, be a mentor to a group of students that are much younger than they are, and learn the basic idea for proposing a business plan for a new idea/venture.


Service Learning, Healthly Lifestyles,

Model Application



A.5, B9, C14, C15, C16, C18, C19, D21, D24, E26, D27

Child Carrying Vegetables

Hired Not Fired

Dani Tuescher


This lesson will include the following: acquiring, completing, and submitting a job application, preparing for and participating in a job interview, completing a career interest inventory, and creating a career vision portfolio. Students will learn the skills needed to apply for and obtain a job, and will explore their career interests to ensure they can envision a future career path. The benefit to this project is building passion in students for their future careers, and ensuring they are aware of the path needed to get there.


Employability Skills Character Development

Model Application



A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4, A.5, A.6, B.10, B.11

Child Carrying Vegetables

JAG is My Business

Melissa Lanham


Students will be introduced to the JAG goals and standards and encouraged to treat their education like their job. They will learn about classroom and employer expectations, filling out applications, requesting letters of reference, and taking part in a 30-day review. It is encouraged for specialists to use this project at the beginning of the school year.


Career Association, Goal Setting, Character Development

Model Application



C14, C15, C17, C19, D21, D24, F27, T138, T139, T141,

Child Carrying Vegetables

Owning Your $#!+

Tatum Gilman


Students will work to become self-aware about the barriers that they face. They will learn about local resources available to help overcome said barriers. *This project is not exclusively for students with learning disabilities. It can be applied to all students and any barriers they may have to include, but not limited to, mental health issues and other family related traumas.


Goal Setting

Model Application



C.14, C.15, C.17, C. 18, C.19, D. 23, D. 24, E. 28, E. 20, F. 37

Child Carrying Vegetables

Reverse Career Fair

Bethany Sevey Stephanie Perkins


Over 50 students from two local high schools took part in a weeks-long career exploration project that included researching and discovering career pathways that best suit the student's� desired occupational interests. After completing career surveys and determining a path, students researched their job (salaries, job requirements, education requirements, etc.) and lined up a professional job shadow. While on their job shadow, students conducted interviews with a professional in their field of interest to further gather an understanding of what it takes to start and excel in that career. The project concluded with a twist on the traditional �career fair,� where instead of colleges and businesses presenting, the students created tri-fold posters based on their research and experience, dressed professionally, and presented to the businesses they shadowed, other school and community members, and family and friends. By the end of the project, students had done an incredible amount of research on the career of their choice, had first-hand experience in the workplace, and polished their presentation skills as they spoke with many local business and educational leaders.


Life Survival Workplace Skills Leadership Job Survival

Model Application



E28, E30, F34, F35, F36, G38, G39, G46, G53, G54, H60, H62, H65, H66

Child Carrying Vegetables

Show Off

R. Leinaar


Students will create a portfolio that can allow them to show off all of their skills and accomplishments that make them employable. They will compile a binder with all of their documents to present when they are going through an interview process. Students will also have an opportunity to participate in a mock interview. They will then be able to get in groups and create a multimedia presentation of a top 10 list of do�s and don�ts of resume writing, cover letters, filling out an application, professional dress attire, etc.


Employability Skills

Model Application



A.2, A.3, B.7, B.8, B.9, B.10, B.11, B.12, B.13, C.14, C.15, D24

Child Carrying Vegetables

Veterans Day Breakfast

Jason Little


The students will be planning and implementing a Veterans Day Breakfast & Ceremony to be held on a school day prior to the Veterans Day Observance. Students will work in classes and on committees to create a menu, develop the budget, develop a program for the ceremony, invite guest speakers, and begin advertising & seeking donations from local businesses.
Purpose-The purpose of this event is to provide free breakfast and student-led ceremony to show our local veterans and their family members the utmost respect they deserve for their sacrifice and service.


Service Learning

Model Application



A.2, A.3, G.49, G.51, G.52, G.53, G.54, P127, R132, P125

Child Carrying Vegetables

Working on a Dream

Maria Morris


Students will research a career of interest using online and �live� resources (e.g. job shadow, informational interview) and reflect on it to determine if that career is a fit for them based on their interests, skills/abilities, aptitudes, and personality. Through this project, students will complete the Holland Code Interest Inventory, Myers-Briggs, utilize online resources (e.g O-Net, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Career One Stop), and complete a job shadow and/or multiple informational interviews.Students will also explore one career cluster using the career map packets developed by JMG.


Career Exploration

Model Application



A1, A2, A5, A6, E28, H67

The projects in this library were written, reviewed, and revised by Specialists across the JAG network.


Project-Based Learning is a developmental process, and as we collectively learn and perfect our practice, our quality of projects will improve.  We encourage you to make the projects your own, and as you do, in the comment section on each project page, leave notes identifying the modifications and changes you made to fit the needs of your classroom.  Feel free to email us at if you have attachments, revisions, or modifications you would like to have uploaded to the library. 

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